Sunday, May 9, 2010

Is it the beat??

In my 28 week post I mentioned that Chad and I had invested in the Babyplus pre-natal education system. Chad and I referred to the Babyplus as the beat since it's lessons consisted of hour long thumping sounds to mimic the sound of my heartbeat. The beat had 16 lessons, which I played twice a day for the last 14 weeks of my pregnancy. The beat claims to help babies to absorb more of the environment around them leading to higher intellectual, social, emotional and creative skills. While all this sounds great what really caught the attention of Chad and I was that many of the reviews said it helps babies to sleep better and to be more alert.
From the moment Avery was first born many people told us that she was very alert. Avery was able to follow voices and turn her head from side to side since she was a week old. We thought maybe it could be because of the beat, but we not certain. This week, Avery's 6th week we got the results that convinced us the beat was a great investment. On Wednesday night Avery slept from 10 pm to 6 am.... 8 hours straight!!! Both Chad and I woke up that morning and were shocked and thought it was probably a fluke. Well she did it again on Thurs, Fri and Saturday night and all we could think is that it was because of the beat.
According to experts say most babies are capable of sleeping through the night when they hit 3-6 months, but they define sleeping through the night as going 5 or 6 hour stretched. Given that statistic I think it was worth the $150 to get our little girl to sleep 8 hours when she is 6 weeks old!!

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