Monday, April 19, 2010

1 Month!!

Wow I cannot believe how fast these 4 weeks have gone by and how much our little girl is changing each day. After getting off to a rough start Avery has gained over a pound in the past week and is finally now back above her birth weight. She was 7 pounds 7 ounces at her last weigh in on Thursday. Now that she is eating better we cannot believe what a good baby she is (knock on wood). She eats just about every three hours during the day then stays up for about an hour after her feedings and then she takes a nap. At night she has gone as long as 5 hours between feedings and the other night only woke up once. She is still a little to young to do that consistently, but the extra sleep was greatly appreciated by both Chad and myself. We cannot wait for her to permanently drop one of her nightly feedings so that we only have to get up once in the middle of the night.

Here are some highlights from the month:

* Grandma Carolyn found a dimple on Avery's left cheek when she smiles. Since neither Chad or I have dimples this is just another characteristic Avery shares with her Aunt Kelsy.
* Avery and I went to our first newborn parent group at the hospital. The group meets every Thursday and is just a casual place to meet other new moms and babies.
* Avery loves riding in her car seat. This has allowed us to get out of the house quite a bit. We have visited the Gap, Babies R Us, daddy's work and even went to watch daddy's softball practice.
* Avery is very good at tummy time. She has been able to move her head from side to side since she was a week old and now can hold her head up for a few seconds. She loves playing on her activity mat!!
* Avery and mommy survived daddies first trip away from home...with a lot of help from Grandma Carolyn.

Tummy Time
Trying to convince Grandma Carolyn not to leave
Mommy and Avery all dressed up to go see daddy at work
Playing on her activity mat with daddy

Sleeping on her boppy

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Congrats on making it through the first four weeks - it only gets better! Avery is beautiful and you are looking fabulous.