Sunday, October 18, 2009

Boy or Girl???

So our big ultrasound is next week, Monday October 26th at 10:15 AM. This ultrasound is referred to as the fetal anatomy survey. During this ultrasound they will measure baby H to make sure he or she is growing appropriately(and that his or her gestational age is still appropriate). A survey of the organs will include the heart, kidneys, bladder, brain, stomach and sex organs!!!! While our biggest hope is that the ultrasound reveals a healthy, happy baby growing in there we are so excited to possibly find out the sex of the baby (fingers crossed he or she cooperates and is not shy).

We thought it would be fun to take a poll to see what everyone thinks we are having. I honestly do not have a feeling one way or another so it will be nice to see what everyone else thinks!! Voting will be available for the next week. Hopefully I will be able to post the correct guess Monday afternoon!!!


Lauren Onesto said...
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Kristy said...

CONGRATS!!! We are so happy for you guys.