Friday, March 19, 2010

39 Weeks

So I have 2 more days until my due date. I had what will be my last doctors appointment this morning and once again for the 3rd week in a row there was really no progress. My doctor decided that we should plan an induction for next Thursday. So unless this baby comes on her own over the next 6 days we will head to the hospital Thursday morning to begin the induction process. Funny thing is the baby is doing all she needs to come out and meet us, but my body is just not ready to let her go. The doctor said her head is super low and ready to come on out. The only things keeping her from coming out is my closed cervix.

The doctor said she will start the induction by giving me some medicine that will hopefully help to open my cervix. Should it work she thinks my labor will go quickly since the baby is so low. That was the only good news we got today, but I will take it because a short labor would be amazing.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

38 Weeks

2 Weeks to go.....hopefully!!!! Chad and I had our last baby class this week!!! It was our labor and delivery class. This weeks class focused on C-sections, while last week was all about vaginal births. I realized after the class that they are very smart to talk about vaginal deliveries first and then tell you all about C-sections. During last week's class on vaginal deliveries we watched a video which showed 3 vaginal births. After watching the first birth I just looked over to Chad and said I do not want to go through that. I was so stressed out about pushing out this baby until this weeks class. Watching a c-section made the vaginal birth look much more appealing. Even though I may not have a choice in the matter, I really hope I do not need to have a C-section.

We also had a tour of the birthing floor. The tour was a little freaky because it made it all so real. At our hospital, I will first be checked in to a LDR room, where I will labor, deliver and recover. These rooms are very nice and the nurses seem like they will be great. About two hours after delivery, they will move us to a postpartum room. These rooms were not quite as nice, but they are private. One unique thing about my hospital that I am not to crazy about is that they have a rooming-in policy, meaning the baby will be in the room with me at all times. The hospital does not even have a nursery for the babies to go to. If for some reason I do need the nurses help, they will take her, but they will only really do it if her or I are struggling. Because of this, I know I will be very eager to come home. I figure if I need to take care of her I much rather do it at home where I will be a lot more comfortable.

I had my weekly doctors appointment on Thursday and once again had no progress. These appointments are really starting to get discouraging. I know I still have a week left until my due date, but almost all of my friends who have already had babies had to be induced and I am really hoping to just go into labor on my own. My next appointment is Friday the 19th, which is 2 days before my due date. Luckily, my doctor is on-call all next weekend so I would love for my little one to come then so that she can deliver me. Despite all the craziness I had during this pregnancy when it came to switching doctors, I now feel everything worked out perfect in the end. I love my doctor I have now and would be pretty disappointed if she is not there.

How far along? 38 weeks

Total Weight Gain: 30 pounds.....Ugh
Maternity clothes? Yes, although I prefer to spend my days in sweats.
Sleep: Pretty good except for Friday night when I was woken up by Braxton Hicks Contractions
Best moment this week: My manicure and pedicure.
Movement: This little girl does not stop moving. At my doctors appointment my doctor was amazed that she saw the baby 's leg go from one side of my stomach to the other.
Food cravings: Orange Juice.....finally something healthy!!!
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: I have had some contractions, but nothing consistent
Belly Button in or out? Is flat a choice?
What I miss? Mojitos....I have been dying for one.
What I am looking forward to: This baby coming out!!!
Milestones: I am officially full-term

Friday, March 5, 2010

37 Weeks, 9 Months and Full Term

Wow, it's March, and Chad and I will be having a baby this month!! This week I am officially full-term meaning at this point the baby is fully developed and it is safe for her to arrive at anytime.

My doctors appointment on Tuesday was pretty uneventful. The best news was that I passed my Group B Strep test. Other than that, there has been no progress since my last appointment. My next appointment is next Thursday. I have a feeling there won't be any change before then, but I am planning on starting an all out walking fest after that appointment to help things along. The only reason why I am not starting before then is because Nutmeg is getting her stitches out on Wednesday and I want to make sure I can go to her appointment, but after that, I will be very eager to get this baby out.

Chad putting together the pack and play.

How far along? 37 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 28 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Yes, although I prefer to spend my days in sweats.
Sleep: For some reason I am always exhausted. Chad thinks I am not really falling into a deep sleep at night even though I feel like I sleep ok.
Best moment this week: Having a massage.
Food cravings: Milkshakes
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Nope...unfortunately
Belly Button in or out? Is flat a choice?
What I miss? Having energy
What I am looking forward to: Our hospital tour
Milestones: I am officially full-term

Monday, March 1, 2010

Nutmegs Home

Chad and I picked Nutmeg up from the vet on Saturday. On our way to get her I was so excited, but also super nervous. Nervous because the last time Nutmeg had surgery (on her knee) I had to go pick her up alone and she was in much worse shape than I could have imagined. When we got to the vet Nutmegs surgeon met with us before they brought her out. She went over her surgery again with us and even showed us a picture of her liver. At first I could not look, but Chad said he thought I could handle it so I took a peak. It was so scary to see the actual bruising on her liver. Her liver has two sides a right and a left, her left side was the one that was damaged and it was all blue and purple. Her right side was all pink, just how it should look. Nutmegs doctor spoke to us about what her diet and activity level should be for the first couple of days. Once we reviewed everything I asked her how she would look when I saw her to prepare myself. She said she looks good and will probably be super excited. She mentioned that Nutmeg was very noisy during her stay. Apparently she developed a loud cry/yelp and would use it when anyone entered the room. I asked if it was because she was in pain and the doctor said not at all.... she just likes attention.

As Nutmeg was coming down she heard us and started with the crying. It was so amazing to see her and she looked much better than I thought she would. It really helps that we cannot see her incision. She was so excited she even tried to jump on Chad. Nutmeg was very eager to leave so the vet helped us get her into the car. I gave the vet a hug for saving my baby and we left for home.

Since Saturday Nutmeg has been doing well. She was very nervous when she first got home. She would follow Chad and I everywhere. I think she was probably afraid we would leave her. Saturday night she slept well and has been more relaxed and sleeping a lot the past two days. She is not crazy about her new diet, which are mashed potatoes mixed with a little bit of her soft food. At first we were giving her mashed potatoes and a little boiled chicken, but once she had a bowel movement we were told she could have her regular food instead of the chicken. Well Nutmeg is not a fan of the potatoes and will only eat them if their is chicken in them so I have had to put a little chicken in to get her to eat. Considering she will eat anything we drop on the floor I am quite surprised that she has been so picky :O)

We have to bring her back to the vet on Wednesday night to get her blood work rechecked. Then a week after that she will have her stitches removed. I am just so happy to have my snoring machine back home with me :O)